Saturday, February 8, 2014



The Time Capsule:

Pompeii is a city of ancient Rome that was once home to nearly 2o,ooo people. In 79 A.D. however, the city was literally engulfed in volcanic ash from the nearby Mt. Vesuvius volcano. Buried under around twenty ft of volcanic ash, locked away from air and moisture; this ancient city remains to this day just as it was nearly 2,ooo years ago.


Everything from structures, animals, and human beings can still be found to this day; now plaster casts of what they once were.


Excavators would fill the empty voids (left by human remains) with plaster before slowly removing the layers and layers of ash revealing the plaster casts.


Body position, stature, and in some cases even expression can be seen on the plaster faces of these ancient people.  




  1. Pompeii Discussion:

    The first post that I viewed was Dana's. I was really drawn to the "current applications" section where modern artists have taken styles and testures from Pompeii and incorporated them into modern uses. I was most impressed by the bookshelf and its impression of mosaic tiling.

    The second post I viewed was from Kristina. I really liked reading about her real world experiences in the area. It was neat to hear how she was able to directly connect the old style with how the incorporate it in the new.

  2. I discussed your blog post here:
