Friday, March 7, 2014

Italian Renaissance

The Period:

As we had learned in class, the Renaissance is a time of "revival", new ideas and points of view were being spread across Europe. Most relate-able to our discipline however, was the new focus towards design; focusing less on the construction of grand churches, and more of a focus on residential dwellings.

Starting in Florence and Italy, the Renaissance began to really flourish with the help of some brilliant minds.

Martin Luther for example, challenged the Roman Catholic church and thus created a new form of thinking. People began to recognize the faults of the church and a newer focus on the gospel began.
Martin Luther

Humanism, or a "focus on critical thinking" began to really take prevalence. 

Earth changing inventions such as the Printing Press were being created, starting a booming spread of knowledge among people of the time.

Johannes Gutenberg, Inventor of the Printing Press

Thinkers, such as Brunelleschi and Da Vinci played a vital role in the study and practice of architecture and design.

Brunelleschi, the discoverer of perspective drawing and brilliant architect.

Da Vinci, Known for beign somewhat a mast in many trades, "The Renaissance Man".
Known for his skilled work as a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathmetician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.  

The Now



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